
General Autobiography

Michael Relph an award-winning writer, mathematician, technologist, education developer, architect, publisher, professional vocalist and musician, and in professional sports with nearly 50 years of experience finds himself as an Executive’s Executive, The Commanding General’s Confidant, Program/Project Manager (major), International Entrepreneur and Inventor, Corporate Diplomat, Consultant and Mentor, a developer of community and business with a strong Christian faith that is lived with purpose and passion helping bring the best out in others working in some 70 different Industries in 27 Countries.

Groomed by Grandfather, Knight of the English Throne, also Blood Brother to the American Indian Nations was shone how to live life well as a leader who at the same time a servant. Seeing the potential in others and helping to bring that out whether as a group or individuals, the lowest common denominator is the person, the individual. With that said working with any organization is a success as long as the individuals of that organization are willing to work together. That fact has been very true for me and I look to try to carry that forward in addressing you directly for the opportunity at hand and the many that surround it.
I was Groomed to be that open minded all things possible personality that is very persistent, looks to add value to people and efforts, is very process oriented, willing to patiently work with 4 – 92 year olds, those that are not so smart, or genius level intellectuals like myself. Yes, rocket scientist, nuclear scientist, top surgeons, I have worked well with. CEO’s of large corporations, or the janitor pushing the broom in a dark dirty dingy plant somewhere. Sometimes during very adversarial conditions where $100’s of millions are at stake or where 1000’s of lives are on the line. Superintendents of Schools, Corporate Directors looking to save their organization, owners of businesses needing to sell or make radical changes to survive, through my effort of coming alongside of them have been successful, many times far beyond my expectation.
As an inventive Technologist with many inventions you use today I have a mental, an intuitive process to tackle even the most complex challenge. So whether your requirement requires special experience using certain application tools, or requires a certain license, many of those technological innovations I have had a part in over the years, so coming up to speed is never an issue, rather sometimes an opportunity for the application of process using that tool for improvement through fresh eyes for which I have many stories on. A license many times is a formal approach to an application. All those things can be easily learned or refined as many times I already have years of experience in those disciplines.

Michael Walking on Water

Professional life

Technologist – Strategist – Engineer – Analyst – Info Security Specialist – Project Manager IT Operations – Application Development – Infrastructure – Architect – Quality SME Disaster / Recovery Specialist – Military Army Logistics Specialist – Technical Writer

Early life

Mr. Relph has enjoyed the legacy of being trained by “professionals” starting at the age of 3 began his teaching career at the age of 7, proved advanced math, business, and publishing skills at the age of 8, and starting his first business at 12 mentored by the owner’s son of the Royal Oak Daily Tribune. Having a professional grade in bowling at the age of 15 was given leadership of what became the largest youth program of its kind in the US. By the time Mr. Relph was 17 found himself with over 900 students in a given week, tutored over 15,000 students in all academics, to include MBA students in Mathematics starting at the age of 15, mentored and tutored remedial students transforming them to straight A students 100% of the time, and by 17 represented 250,000 students nationwide as a board member of the American Jr. Bowling Congress.


It is not a surprise as a registered mathematics genius at the age of 17 in the State of Michigan he chose Lawrence Technological University (after attending OCC in Mathematics at night in High School) boasting professors who are professionals in their field of instruction. Before graduating CUM LAUDE with a BS in Applied Mathematics worked for TACOM in Integrated Logistics Support trained by Commanding General Decker having met on his 3 rd day whereas the General showed up at Mr. Relph’s desk his 4 th day of work! Over 40 years later it was found the Mr. Relph’s boyhood mentor the founder of the OSS with President Hoover had unknown influence.


Primarily a developer of new technologies worked with NASA on the Space Shuttle, multiple Electric Utilities on Nuclear and Fossil Power Generation Stations, International Airport Systems, Automotive Manufacturing, Steel Making and Diesel Engine Controls, using advanced/data acquisition process control systems got to use his advanced “applied mathematical” acumen every day. Integrated in that work was his ability to perfect process and document them for operations and on-going technical support. Through those skills was easily able to move onto the next project, and to help be a “game-changer” helping to take legacy operations reducing time to market saving Hundreds of Billions for organizations like GM, Ford, Chrysler, Great Lakes Steel, and many other large Tier One Suppliers many times under the guise of developing Highly Technical Operational Business Plans and Quality System Programs thus maintaining a higher level of production volume and quality established by his efforts and those he supported.
Soon after taking Ford Motor Company’s Diesel Engine Strategy Development Process from 180 days to 1 day found himself with too much time on his hands and was allowed to obtain the training and then implement a major Quality System development for his division and became a premier Internal Auditor. He then learned and implemented FMEA/FMEM analysis for the Diesel Program, demonstrated to Ford Sales that the Diesel Program will sell millions not tens of thousands whereas there were 1.2M orders in the first 90 days of product launch, and he resolved a major intellectual property dispute between Navistar’s Supplier and Ford Motor Company in just one day (after festering for 90 days), a dispute that would have CANCELLED the most profitable engine program in Ford Motor Company’s 100+ year history.
At the same time Michael began to take private vocal lessons from a Retired Diva of the Michigan Opera Theatre and over a period of over 4 years expanded his vocal range to over 4 octaves with a capability of performing “performance grade” vocals that require a vast vocal range, along with requiring great intensity being able to generate over 92 decibels. Having learned to match a tone at 3 years old, able to sing a harmony at 4, able to read music at 5, started to teach music at 7, became a soloist at 8, joined his 100 voice church choir at 14 as lead 1 st tenor, performed as 1 st Tenor for 13 years in a Southern Gospel Quartet a group that would open concerts for Full Time Professional Quartets. Was not required to perform an audition for the Detroit Tigers to sing the anthem in honor of Willie Horton’s newly activated foundation, an effort he started to lead in 1998. Mr. Relph’s family legacy is now over 400 years in Piano, Violin, and voice as part of the Paris Enlightenment, a family that boasts musical talents representing 28 instruments, a professor at New Orleans University for Jazz, with several members like himself to compose, arrange, produce, and record musical works around the world. Mr. Relph has performed in 12 countries himself and addressed audiences of over 85,000.
In parallel to improving his voice he learned the Point of Sale Industry to include Retail, Warehousing, Distribution, Logistics, e- Commerce, with his own software product advancing technological ideas for the Small Business and Industries that were lagging in technology like the sports equipment industry. Having implemented over 300 Retailers wrote over 4,000,000 lines of code customizing Retailing Functions and developed advanced networks to tightly couple POS and e-Commerce to perfect inventory management for small businesses expanding from a single store to include a warehouse and distribution to over 100 stores in 3-4 years for several small business customers. As e-Commerce was introduced into the world he led that charge for small business and companies like General Motors where Mr. Relph demonstrated to GM Leadership how to reduce new Program Development from 53 months to 19 saving 3-4 Billion per Vehicle Program.
After his work with Ford’s 7.3 Liter Powerstroke Diesel program development for its engine and automatic transmission managed all GM Truck’s Engine and Chassis Control Systems creating a management system to stream line how calibrators managed their business, and he created GM’s first test bench CAN CODE a new network protocol when GM started developing multiple processors in a vehicle. He led the changes in Electrical Systems when EDS was sold, and Delco became Delphi ushering major changes in IT and Electrical Systems delivery for GM from its “vendors” instead of corporate divisions co-authoring new vendor qualification and management procedures for GM Purchasing. Developing new Web-Sites transitioned the Legacy Processes to New-Age Technological Tools greatly reducing communication between vendors and engineering saving tens of thousands just in a single transmission line that became outdated $3,500/mo per Vendor minimum. With over 300,000 transmission lines at $3,500/mo saved Billions every year.

Since has worked to provide Business and Technological Strategies to include marketing and sales for new and existing small business in parallel of his work to manage large scale IT Transition Projects working with IBM and several of its major customers like Nexus-Lexus, Enterprise Rental, Raytheon, Dow Chemical and others.

Eight months into working with General Motors Mr. Relph was invited to a BBQ at Detroit’s Legendary Willie Horton’s home where he served over 300 great Detroit-Based business greats. Even though we just met and there were 300 guests at his home Mr. Horton took almost 3 hours sitting privately together in his living room. From that first meeting we have been working very closely since July of 1996. Since Mr. Relph has assisted Mr. Horton and his family to open up new businesses for his children to work, and reactivated his foundation now in operation Headquartered in Tiger Town, Lakeland, Florida for which Mr. Relph leads in many capacities serving the underprivileged families participate in Sports and have access to professionals to help hone their skills. Today Lakeland sees more professional hopefuls than any other city in the USA.
After the economy changed in 2009 took a Master’s program in Referral Marketing authored by Ivan Misner and used Mr. Misner’s extreme marketing approach to create referral marketing groups of 8-12 members who do not compete with each other and work towards a common target market to create and establish strong starts for new or existing very small business looking to grow exponentially. Authoring strong technical business plans, and helping to find extreme competitive advantage through advanced technological advances has and continues to help scores of businesses even today. Recently his new partnerships take him into the realm of Pop-Up Businesses located in Shipping Container Villages.

Career Highlights

1. Grants

Captured two consecutive Grants 1.5M each from Michigan’s Energy Office for Urban Energy Efficiency Studies.

2. Publications

Published 4 papers for St. Joseph Hospital, Detroit – vastly improving quality of service for script writing, orders for patients, and overall communications between Doctors, their staff, and their patients.

3. Data Centers

Built Dual Redundant Data Centers for State of New York Medicare in record time, 120 days, about 200 days faster than normal for an IBM/ATT project of its type.

4. GM-Online

Headed the complex deployment of GM-Online for the finance department and completed the six-month project two months ahead of schedule, eliminating $275M+ in risk to GM’s Q4 bottom-line.

5. ITIL Establishment

Established ITIL in 2004, conducted ITIL training for IS&S GMNA Operations, and sparked organizational changes and process restructuring that cut costs by $440M and produced an additional $1.2B in cost savings.

6. Motor City Computers

Enabled Motor City Computers to grow from $30K to $2M in monthly revenue and become a national leader.

7. Entrepreneur at age 12

Entrepreneurial Strategist and Leader started first business at age 12, Directing manager at age 17 directing 16 employees, Business Consultant at age 8, Teachers Teacher and Education Developer age 17, Partnered in; Media/Communications, Construction, Computer Systems and Manufacturing, Machine Tooling, Education, Technical Automotive Consulting, Medical/Wellness Research, Health Care, Energy, Publishing, and Music Performance Industries. As a contractor or employee treats each assignment as if the company depended on his best performance for the business to succeed, a master in Large Scale Strategic Projects, Budgets, and Statistics.

Singing from the Toes is a term I use to refer to as the act of singing with abandon where you sing out using all the energy you can muster establishing the whole front of you body from the tip of your big toenail to the crown of your head as a sound board where the sound springs out the top of your crown with an explosion of sound. For me, the sound resolves 8” 60 degrees out from the top of the crown of my head at 91-93db when singing a G (G4 or G’ or High G or piano key 47) at 392hz (391.9954hz). Keep in mind a jet engine generally operates at 100db. It’s fun to know that OSHA has policies earmarking how to handle extreme sound like that in the work environment and how long one can expose themselves to it without ear protection!!

When I first experienced the phenomenon of Singing from the Toes it was in a lesion with my voice coach during a vocal ease exercise. She was so excited she jumped up from the piano bench and did a little victory dance around the piano bench, sat down and shouted again.. again.. and after repeating it four or five times it demonstrated I made it to the plateau she had been aiming for to move towards developing professional level techniques for me to learned she had mastered some 20 years prior.

The following chronicles are stories of Singing from the Toes


At the end of the school year in 6th grade all the 6th graders who volunteered to sing at a graduation event at the high school, it included the 8th grade choir, and high school choir in a mass choir of some 300+ voices. I had a chance to perform in that group on three occasions, 6th, 8th, and 12th grades. Each time the event ended with the School District’s signature song The Battle Hymn of the Republic. The Battle Hymn was made famous during the civil war as the song was sung mainly by Black Union Regimens as they marched. One day as they were passing the White House President Lincoln heard one of these Regimens bellow out this song with many very strong baritone voices that rang clear right down into the soul of the President and into his memoirs for that day as the soul of the American Spirit. Learning this song in 5th grade like so many songs I learned has become one of my all-time favorite songs to sing in Choir as composed by WILLIAM STEFFE with the 1957 Choir Arrangement as the song has a thunderous effect on the soul when you Sing It From The Toes as evident in the May 5th 2016 U-Tube Video of the 1st Baptist Choir and Orchestra where you will catch me front and center. Performance Example - May 5th, 2016 – First Baptist Dallas Choir and Orchestra The Battle Hymn of the Republic From 1:30 to 1:40 seconds into the video you will see me front and center of the camera. Notes on the Battle Hymn of the Republic The "Battle Hymn of the Republic", also known as "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory" outside of the United States, is a popular American patriotic song by the abolitionist writer Julia Ward Howe. Howe wrote her lyrics to the music of the song "John Brown's Body" in November 1861 and first published them in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1862. The song links the judgment of the wicked at the end of the age (through allusions to biblical passages such as Isaiah 63:1–6 and Revelation 14:14–19) with the American Civil War.











  • Introduction to
  • Bill and Gloria Gaither
  • Larnel Harris
  • Sandi Patti
  • Cathedral Quartet
  • Dolly Pardon – Dollywood – Southern Gospel Music Museum





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